If you’re looking to live a more creative, meaningful and fulfilling life then BiblioCoaching may be for you.
Do any of these sound familiar?
I’m having trouble balancing my creative life with the reality of making a living

I’ve worked in creative fields for most of my life but a few years ago I was really sick of the uncertainty (and crap pay) so I found a steady office job to pay the bills. It’s been great having the security of a regular income but I feel I’ve really dropped the ball in the creative aspects of my life.
I occasionally go to the art gallery but it’s been ages since I created something new. I’m sure once I start again I’ll get right back into it but right now I need some inspiration. And, I need some accountability.

I want to start my dream project but I’m scared

I have this idea for a business that I’ve been tossing around for a couple of years. It’s my dream project where I finally get to use all the skills and knowledge I’ve developed over the years to a product I really believe in.
I go through stages of being really excited about it and ready to quit my job to give it a go – but then I start doubting myself and whether I can really make it work.
I really want to do it but I’m also really scared of stuffing it up. I really need a book to help me believe in myself (and my idea) – and if I’m honest, I really need to talk out how I could do this – realistically. Can we talk?

I’m living the creative dream but just can’t find my flow

For the last five years I’ve been lucky enough to work for myself. I’ve created a range of bespoke children’s learning products that I add a half-dozen new lines to each year.
It does well but I feel like the creative process is continually stopping and starting. I’ve read about the concept of ‘flow’ and I would really like to have some flow in my work.
Could we talk about how I can find my flow? Or how I can make this stop/start thing work for me?

I want to live a good life

I’ve just finished reading the novel, The Overstory. Wow! What a story! It’s really reminded me how much I love nature and realise I don’t have enough of it in my life. Actually it’s made me realise a lot of things that are important to me that I don’t have in my life.
So I’m feeling inspired by the novel but a little bit overwhelmed by all the things I now feel are missing.
Could we have a conversation about how I can slowly start bringing a little bit of the good stuff back into my life? Oh and I’m keen to keep reading books that inspire me, so I’d love to talk with you about what I could read next.

I want to live a more sustainable life

I’ve been recycling, re-using, reducing, repurposing, repairing and refusing for years now and while I think my personal carbon footprint is much smaller than it used to be I’m still really concerned about the future of the planet and what I can do to contribute to more positive change.
I see a lot of books about climate change but they are so alarmist that I just shut-down when I read them.
I’m looking for some positive ideas for change and also some hope. Can we talk about some books that might be helpful?

I want to live a more meaningful life

I’ve recently been through a break-up of a long-term relationship and it’s turned my world upside down. All the things I thought I wanted in life – a loving marriage, beautiful house, adorable kids, overseas holidays, fast cars – just don’t seem important anymore.
I actually don’t know what’s important. So I suppose I’m looking for books that will help me work out what it’s all about and what’s important and it would be really nice to talk through some of this stuff too.

I want to enjoy my work

Work is a bit of a drudge at the moment. It’s fine and everything but something’s missing. I used to really love it. Now I just can’t wait until Friday – and don’t talk to me about Monday morning.
It’s getting that bad that I now get a little apprehensive on Sunday afternoons that my weekend is about to end.
I’ve been reading all these books about google and apple and companies that seem really exciting to work for. I just know it can be better. Can we have a conversation about what I could do? Maybe even brainstorm some options?

I want to have better relationships with my work colleagues

I find myself getting irritated by my work colleagues. They’re nice people and all but I get frustrated when they don’t meet their deadlines or forget to do things that impact me and others in my workplace.
I’ve found this book that has these really great interpersonal techniques but I’m really struggling to actually put it into practice.
Can we have a conversation about how I could do this? And then maybe follow it up with another conversation a week later so I actually do it?!

I want to be less stressed

My workdays have always been full of meetings, deadlines and expectations but since two colleagues left last year (and haven’t been replaced), my workload has just been ridiculous.
I really do feel like I’m the mouse on the wheel. I have tried negotiating a more manageable workload with my manager but the work keeps coming.
I have tried meditating and going to yoga (occasionally) but to be honest, I’m just shattered when I get home from work and can’t be bothered doing anything except collapsing in front of the tv and zoning out with a Netflix binge. I don’t feel like socialising, I’m eating crap food and I have this pain in my shoulders that never seems to go away (even when I’m “relaxing”).
I really need to make some changes. I’d love to find a book that will give me some perspective and options (and that’s very easy to read).
Ultimately, I would like to talk about what I can do differently and perhaps have some outside accountability to get myself back to my super-chill, life-loving self.

If you’re ready to change your life
one book at a time